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Re: Message from PAUSE Admins to DBIx::Class maintainers [resend]

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Graham Knop
October 5, 2016 21:17
Re: Message from PAUSE Admins to DBIx::Class maintainers [resend]
Message ID:
On 10/3/16 4:46 PM, David Golden wrote:
> *Everyone, please direct all further conversation on this matter to the
> DBIC mailing list*

Forgive me if I don't.  While I've been watching the conversation,
nobody yet seems to have approached the most important part of this
conversation as I see it, which isn't specific to DBIx::Class.

PAUSE has no governance model.  It doesn't even have a terms of service.
 So far, this hasn't presented significant problems.  But as most things
of this nature, they aren't a problem until they are.

The actions taken by the PAUSE admins in this recent dispute, assuming
they are fully represented by David Golden's emails, are without
precedent.  While the initial message states ["PAUSE administrators
would like you to talk this out"][1], it is clear from further emails
that [the PAUSE administrators are in fact *demanding* ("acted by fiat")
that this be talked out.][2]  They are predicating their decision on the
community.  So it has been stated that [the community will override
PAUSE's permissions model][3], and essentially, RIBASUSHI's first-come
permissions have already been revoked.

The closest thing PAUSE has to a policy statement is [the about
page][4].  There is only one case covered in that page where the
administration will override established permissions, which is when "the
current maintainer of a module has entirely disappeared".  That very
obviously doesn't apply to this situation.

On what grounds is the first-come permissions holder and primary
maintainer being circumvented?  Does this apply to other modules?  I
could think of several other instances where I could assemble a
collection of parties interested in revoking the rights of the current
maintainers in the name of "community interest".


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