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TONYC Grant Report January 2018

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Tony Cook
February 5, 2018 07:05
TONYC Grant Report January 2018
Message ID:
Approximately 29 tickets were reviewed, and 6 patches were

[Hours]         [Activity]
 34.99          #127743 try to work up makefile rules for new stack limit
                #127743 more makefile rules, work on fetching config from
                var instead of a constant
                #127743 more stack size calculation re-work
                #127743 more makefile rules, experiment with stack size
                #127743 testing, debugging, more stack size probing,
                #127743 debugging, non-core testing
                #127743 non-core debugging, fix calculation for stack
                frames on 5.8.9, debug 5.10.0
                #127743 for 5.10.0 debugging
                #127743 track down to dependency issue, work on fix,
                #127743 testing, minor fixes
                #127743 more non-core testing, clean up, start on Win32
                build updates
                #127743 check non-Storable perl builds, back to Win32
                builds, locale discussion with khw
                #127743 more Win32 build work, nmake, gmake, start dmake
                #127743 fix deps, testing
                #127743 finish win32 testing, commit clean up, more regexp
                tests, start smoke
                #127743 review smoke results, diagnose cygwin failures,
                #127743 continue debugging, find part of problem (no depth
                checks on retrieving array/refs)
                #127743 adjust max depth for cynwin64, prep to test on
                #127743 try to repro fedora failures, can’t, try to repro
                freebsd issues
                #127743 avoid testing huge levels of recursion
                #127743 review smoke results, be more conservative on all
                platforms, testing, push new smoke candidate
  0.46          #131844 (sec) refresh memory and comment
                #131844 (sec) review and comment
  1.45          #131878 re-review discussion, discussion on #p5p, minor
                change to patch, testing, apply to blead, make ticket
                public and close
  1.32          #131954 testing, apply to blead, make ticket public
  0.35          #132055 (sec) review and comment
  1.74          #132063 (sec) review, check possible related issues
                #132063 (sec) more check possible issues, comment
  2.33          #132147 (sec) review, research, work on patch
                #132147 (sec) testing, clean up, comment with patch
  0.30          #132189 (sec) reproduce and forward privately upstream
  1.03          #132227 (sec) debugging
  2.26          #132533 review patches, struggle applying them, comment
                #132533 review new patches, testing, fixes, apply to blead
  0.52          #132602 security assessment, make public, comments
  1.40          #132618 review, debugging, make public and link to meta
                ticket, comment
  0.37          #132625 (sec) testing, comment
  8.53          #132640 (sec) delve into sub-parsing, try not to delve too
                #132640 try to understand the parser, research
                #132640 (sec) work on a fix, debugging
                #132640 (sec) get a working patch, try to improve it, make
                ticket public, merge into 125351, comment with patch
  1.74          #132648 testing, research
                #132648 mail cygwin mailing list
                #132648 testing
  0.18          #132654 review, make public and reject
  1.13          #132655 (sec) testing, comment
  0.33          #132679 review and comment
  0.95          #132704 testing, apply to blead
  2.43          #132761 testing, test against older perl versions, comment
                #132761 work up a patch and comment with it
                #132761 testing in blead, testing against older perls,
                apply to blead
  0.43          #132762 review, testing, apply to blead
  0.25          investigate cygwin enoent test failures (have problems
                fetching from git while I’m at it)
  0.33          list catch up
  0.45          more cygwin, ask Zefram abv
  0.72          more work on security list discussion notes
  0.88          review security queue
  0.17          security queue clean up – moved several tickets to the
                public queue
  0.37          ticket cleanup
  1.33          Work on composing security list discussion post, research
 68.74 hours total

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