Resubmitted, Did this get lost in the shuffle? Term::Readline::Stub was missing get_line() and the detached X11 debugger requires it to be present. - Fix Detached debugger crashing with the following message: Can't locate object method "get_line" via package "Term::ReadLine::Stub" at ../lib/Term/ line 198, <DATA> line 17. at ../lib/Term/ line 198 Term::ReadLine::Stub::readline('Term::ReadLine::Stub=ARRAY(0x9ea698)', ' DB<7> ') called at ../lib/ line 6382 DB::readline(' DB<7> ') called at ../lib/ line 2227 DB::DB called at []safe2.t line 134 Can't locate object method "get_line" via package "Term::ReadLine::Stub" at ../lib/Term/ line 198, <DATA> line 17. END failed--call queue aborted at []safe2.t line 198, <DATA> line 17. at []safe2.t line 198 Unbalanced scopes: 3 more ENTERs than LEAVEs %SYSTEM-F-NOLOGNAM, no logical name match -John Personal Opinion OnlyThread Next