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Postings from July 2021
PSC #027 2021-07-02
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Neil Bowers
July 7, 2021 08:52
PSC #027 2021-07-02
Message ID:
PSC #027 2021-07-02
Present: Rik, Paul, Neil
This was our first meeting with Paul, so we kicked off by going through our todo list, how we've done things to date, hazing Paul, etc. This took up most of the call.
Back when we were considering breaking back-compat for Perl 7, there was discussion about whether Configure should install a perl7 binary, and/or a perl5 binary. When we decided that every year's release should be a valid candidate for /usr/bin/perl, and "use v7" was the mechanism for getting new features, it was left unspecified whether a perl7 binary might be installed. We discussed this today, and agreed that Perl 7 won't install a perl7 binary, and thus we also don't want to install a perl5 binary. Perl is going to stay perl. So we'll be closing Max's PR for perl5:
I updated Rik and Paul on the quirks document: a lot of quirks have been added by various people over the last week or so. I'm working through them, removing the ones that aren't quirks, making sure they're clear and have an illustrative example. Once the whole document is done, I'll announce that on p5p, and then the PSC will work through it making a decision on each one, in terms of whether it's something we're going to live with, or want to do something about. We expect this to lead to a number of small RFCs, which might be good tasks for people to dip their toe into working on the core. The document will probably end up as perlquirks.pod.
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PSC #027 2021-07-02
by Neil Bowers