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PSC #041 — 2021-10-07

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Ricardo Signes
October 9, 2021 20:51
PSC #041 — 2021-10-07
Message ID:

On Friday the 7th, the PSC had its regularly-scheduled call to review ongoing business.

We reviewed a number of issues that I'd recently been on about:
 * implying ASCII-only when saying "use v5.36", for which I've created an RFC <>
 * the review of experiments, which seems to have no clear next-steps
 * the possibility of removing indirect and multidimensional from the :5.36 bundle
 * delete/exists on array elements (for which expect an email from Paul, soon
 * eliminating the old package'separator, for which we'd like to see a PR
 * the new runtime module-loading built-in, for which I've created an RFC <>
We also talked about NetWare, and approved the deletion of it long-dead supporting code from blead.

Having overrun our time at that point, we brought things to a conclusion.  No time was spent on quirks review.  Next week, we hope to do a review of existing RFCs and the RFC process in general.

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