Hi, This morning in my timezone (exactly on 2025-03-12 10:53:26 +0100 according to GitHub logs) I accidentaly deleted Perl/perl5 on github, while trying to delete my own book/perl5 fork. Thanks to the cooler heads on #p5p, and Graham in particular, we have created a ticket with GitHub support. The repository has been restored less than an hour after my mistake, and all issues and PR have been restored. I'm really sorry about this disruption. I'll slowly back off from the computer now, with my hands visibly high in the air. (I've tried to send this email for over 10 hours now, but some shenanigans with MTAs meant it was bounced back to me until now. I'm assuming computers have grown weary of me by now.) -- Philippe Bruhat (BooK) Just because you do not see it does not mean it is not there. (Moral from Groo The Wanderer #85 (Epic))Thread Next