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Re: [SDLperl] joystick patches

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w keenan
December 20, 2003 23:36
Re: [SDLperl] joystick patches
Message ID:
 --- "David J. Goehrig" <>
wrote: > On Tue, Jan 07, 2003 at 05:22:19PM +0100,
> wrote:
> > 
> > If I as a user of SDL::App want to NOT have the
> initialization of the
> > videosubsystem, why not let me?
> Because SDL::App, by nature, is an interface to the
> videosubsystem.  
> That is what you are testing, if you don't have
> access to X then it SHOULD fail, that is the desired
> behavior.

tel, it's probably best to contextualise the test
harness (i.e. dont run the graphical tests in a non
graphical environment) , as Dave said.

What would it mean to $app->fill on $app if there is
no underlying video surface??   boom probably.
I've got an SDL assumption, presumably one can
manipulate surfaces, and manipulate (system memory)
surfaces, without [having a frame buffer / never
initied the video system]?

As for the flag option, it seems a little excessive to
have to branch the code for that!   (I'm just thinking
what your your ultimate response will be Dave...)
Bollocks to it, I dont care, it's small fry, things
dont fail.  (but IMHO that BEGIN stuff isn't pretty,
and it would be fairly (in the realm of non-video)
common scaffolding, factor it away are my thoughts )

All the best,

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