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[SDLperl] Howto get Max Texture Size ?

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December 20, 2003 23:36
[SDLperl] Howto get Max Texture Size ?
Message ID:
Hi everybody...

I'm a new comer to SDLperl.

I'm currently coding an image viewer with SDLperl (using OpenGL) and LIRC.

I need to get the maximum texture size I can create to know if an image will fit 
in texture memory.

Apparently, the call to glGetxxxx doesn't exist in SDLperl.

In C, I would call glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE,&size) to get what I want.

I tried to use SDL::GLGetProcAddress("glGetIntegerv") to get function address. 
The call to getprocaddress works, but I'm unable to execute this after (return 
code is interpreted as a string and not as function pointer...)

Any help would be appreciated.

	Thanx !

PS: SDLperl is a great work !

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